... not to sell art at the flea market. It's easy to think the display might've been a problem, but I assure you, that was not the difficulty. Most sellers seemed to simply have brought some stuff in a laundry basket and overturned it when they arrived at the flea market. The difficulty was, most of the people who were at the market looking for stuff were looking for specific things, and I don't think any of them were there looking for watercolor paintings. Most of those people were probably waiting for the Christmas market to open down in old town.
Wrong venue. Live and learn.
Tell me that's Eszter's (Ezsther?) car and not some random Austrian dude's. Also, with Greg's bike luck, I'm surprised somebody didn't walk away with your awesome custom Ikea crate. Although I guess that would be kind of complicated to sneak away with.
Yep, Eszter's car. Across from us was a guy doing brisk business selling what appeared to be totally ordinary groceries in single quantities. I wondered if they were stolen. Next to us was a guy selling Christmas wreathes, but he packed up an left moments before the guy came to collect the fee for being there.
Greg's bike luck is just that. It is not connected to anything else. Also - the box was for sale. And full of art. ;)
WUT? You are selling Capt. Darling's box?!
He is fickle, and has moved on. And it is only a hypothetical sale, as no one appears to actually *want* it...
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