Couple sheets of paper with barely visible sketches... sketches for my next couple of projects. Hopefully those projects will be visible.
Bunch o' sticks.... if you can guess what tool I made there, you win a prize!* Double prize if you can guess whether it worked or not.
The re-do on the frame / edge. It took much less time than the first time, and is a thousand times better, but I'm still cross to have had to re-do it. Ahh, well. Live and learn. And re-do crap sometimes.

Quick watercolor painting to test out a brush brought from Beijing by a friend who visited there recently. That sucker can lay down some SERIOUS paint! Highly diggable. It will be my go-to brush of choice for watercolor tidal waves.
224214152 - sorry I didn't answer your question sooner, more pictures to come... behind the windows are pigeon holes.... square openings (16cm I think, a bit deeper than that?).
There will be more pictures when I have the front panel opening and closing and stuff.
* There is no prize.
Is the thing with sticks part of a trap? Like, someone steps on the wrong tile in your house and all the sticks shoot out? That would be awesome.
That *would* be awesome. I'm going to go with cat-apult. See, you put reasonably-sized cat on the low end, and you fwap the pointy end down and *sproing*. You have airborne highly-annoyed cat.
Yesss, you're both very, very close.
It's a contour gauge, for replicating shapes without all that tedious measuring, etc. I'm working on (yet another) project for spoiling the tiny tyrants.
If I screw it up, this may turn into a cat-a-pult of sorts.
Firing little sticks is out of the question, the house is dangerous enough without booby traps. We're *still* finding shards of glass from last time I broke a drinking glass. A month ago...
The stix don't look anything like your link. So I don't get how it works.
You know those things with all the little metal pins for people to put their hand or face or "whatever" print in? To make a contour impression? It's that, only it's got just one row of pins. The one on the link is made with small metal pins fitted tightly together for a precise contour of a small thing. Mine is larger scale and less precise, because I needed the contour of the window sill, from the glass down to the wall.
Is this description doing anything for you?
but, I want a prize! the tool, methinks, is a multipantograph. ha! I am right, huh? Right?
And I need to know now what the Beijing Brush was made from - not ordinary horsehair or whatever? maybe Yak fur?
OK so I need to read the "other" comments first before I publish.
I think you should at least try dipping all the tips in paint & write something. It would echo. :D
Beijing brush is most likely fox. My hanza is really bad... but it looks & feels much more like a dog style thing than a horse style thing. Also, there appear to be pictures of foxes on the handle.
And.... uhm.... I can try affixing the contour gauge to my homemade pantograph and dip it in ink, see what kind of hilarity ensues. I have already had all my shots.
Given the nature of the prize, there is plenty to go around. Help yourself, anonymous. Hell, take 2.
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