Fear not. I have 3 more crates! 4.5 if you count the one that is already built, and its lid.
The id is responsible for our basic drives such as food, sex and aggressive impulses. It is amoral and egocentric, ruled by the pleasure-pain principle; it is without a sense of time; completely illogical; primarily sexual; infantile in its emotional development; will not take 'no' for an answer. (Thanks, Wiki.)
If I ever have gobs of money, I promise to start publishing deluxe editions of books and getting you to do the title pages and illustrations. I've seen very similar illustrated frames in older deluxe editions of books. I like them.
Ornamentation in books has very much faded along with ornamentation in architecture. I find both terribly disappointing because modern printing technology and building methods and materials make it so much easier and less expensive to realize details. And yet.... books have become bricks made of paper, and buildings have become sheer monoliths.
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